Managing an HMRC inspection

Managing an HMRC inspection

HMRC is no longer using its light touch when it comes to debt collection during the pandemic фтв HMRC inspection, What will you now experience if HMRC knocks on your door? How should you handle a visit from a field officer? The “field force” In the wake of removing...
VAT Making Tax Digital Update

VAT Making Tax Digital Update

VAT registered businesses are required to report Value Added Tax details digitally starting on 1 April 2022. Now, for the first time, businesses that are below the UK VAT registration threshold of £85,000 but have opted to voluntarily register for VAT will be subject...

VAT on Packaging: Do you need to charge it?

There are some sales of zero-rated items, such as food and books. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, these sales will increase. The VAT on packaging for these goods might also be zero-rated. Is this assumption accurate? HMRC policy  VAT Notice 700 states clearly:...